
Illustrated posters for Primary Care Network

Primary Care Network consists of a team of health care practitioners who work alongside a family doctor to help patients improve their overall health. This program includes over 97 member clinics, with 300 family physicians and 160 PCN staff, striving to improve the health of their patients. The PCN teams are composed of nurses, nurse practitioners, healthy aging nurses and social workers, behavioural health consultants, registered dietitians, respiratory therapists, exercise specialists and administrative staff. 

We were challenged with representing a really incredible program with so many services and benefits, as well as putting a face to the incredible practitioners who make it all happen. 

The posters we created featured illustrations of each other different practitioners and the many services they provide. Because the services the practitioners provide range and encompass so much, we included elements that distinguished them from one another, in a warm, friendly and relatable way.


Primary Care Network


Rachel Beyer

This post was last updated on October 5, 2020 by Rachel Beyer