We have been working with the Edmonton International Street Performers Festival for over 6 years. Each year it’s both a challenge and a pleasure to come up with an eye-catching campaign that promotes the festival, and if we’re lucky, makes people laugh too.
At Curio, campaigns are pitched to clients by presenting them with several different options to choose from. This ultimately results in a creative direction that the client can really get on board with. It also leaves us with loads of unused concepts that no one sees. Over the next few months we’ll be working on digging out some of those old unused concepts to share with you.
Kristin came up with this concept “Turn that frown upside down”, a campaign we pitched for Streetfest’s 2015 season. The idea involved using old portraits of famous Canadians, some more known than others, and turning their grumpy frowns upside down. Alongside this concept, we also pitched “More fun than dogs dressed like people”, which was the winning direction for the season. You can have a look at what that season looked like here. It was a really fun concept to execute. We were able to involve the community in a photoshoot, using local dogs as the faces of the campaign (keen eyes will have noticed one of the canines was sporting an Oilers jersey). The result was unique, attention-grabbing, and it made people laugh – just like the street performers!

This post was last updated on April 6, 2016 by amanda