In partnership with Make Something Edmonton, Edmonton Public Library and the City of Edmonton, Curio was hired to develop a unique art installation in the downtown core. The Transform Your City Fence Installation represents how a small scale, tactile DIY intervention can contribute to beautifying a public space. We targeted the sidewalk opposite the fenced off downtown library, which is a major pedestrian route and central area of downtown.
Utilizing a simple material (coloured cups) we created a design and worked with a team of volunteers to create a colourful typographical message within a chain link fence. The combination of materials, design and execution brought a variety of different challenges to the project. Despite everything, we ended up with a vibrant installation downtown that required a different kind of design thinking.
This mural was nominated for an Edmonton Urban Design Award (2017).
Photos taken by Shayne Woodsmith.
This post was last updated on June 4, 2018 by amanda